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Help Sea Dog Animal Training SAVE More Lives!

SDAT Saves Lives!

SDAT Saves Lives!

At Sea Dog Animal Training, we believe and have shown that training saves lives.  We are in the process of purchasing a 16, 000 square ft. training facility. Your generous contributions will help us save more lives by enabling us to increase our capacity to serve our local Rescue Partners. At startup, 1/3 of the building will be dedicated to ensuring space is always reserved for our Rescue Partners. In time, we hope to expand and dedicate more than 1/2 of the facility to support our Rescue Partners.

SDAT owners, Heather and Brady, make this ask knowing it is important to share that we do not currently collect a salary from SDAT. Nor do we intend to until this building is profitable. We put everything right back into the business. 

Sea Dog Animal Training, LLC (SDAT) is an animal training business based out of Cypress, Texas but services the Greater Houston area and all of its suburbs, providing animal training and behavioral consulting for cats, dogs, and exotics. SDAT was born from the ideas and training theories of voluntary participation, as applied to marine mammals. Heather's positive reinforcement training experience is heavily rooted in working with California sea lions, which are often called "Sea Dogs." 

SDAT recognizes the parallel between wild animals (like Sea Dogs) and feral animals and applies this unique and professional skill set to address an overwhelming need of the Houston community to reduce the impacts of the pet overpopulation crisis in Houston and surrounding areas. SDAT provides critical services to the Rescue Community. The Rescue Community has a growing need for advanced behavioral services that traditional animal training cannot appropriately address.

In a study conducted by the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy (NCPPSP), researchers found that 96% of dogs surrendered to shelters had not received any obedience training. It is my personal mission to help reduce the number of pets that are relinquished to shelters through positive reinforcement training services offered by SDAT.

Watch our video to see some of the many lives we have impacted through relationship-based positive reinforcement training!

We understand that not everyone is able to contribute financially. You can still help by sharing this campaign, following us on social media, or supporting local rescues like Houston K-911 Rescue or ThisIsHouston Rescue. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT to solve the pet overpopulation crisis in Houston. 

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© 2023 by Sea Dog Animal Training, LLC. 

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